About Me
My name is Tony and I have lived in Wakefield for twenty years. I have been researching my family history since 2004 because I was curious to find out more about my family and I have a passion for history.
My ancestors on my maternal side come from Kent and north Norfolk and on the paternal side from the Deptford and Greenwich area of London.
As I continued I found it very rewarding to build on my skills of investigation, analysis of documents and combining with historical events to bring the family tree to life.
I have studied Beyond the Internet Family and Local History Courses, Part 1 & 2 through the University of Dundee. My employment experience in analysis and testing have also helped me.
During this period I have researched and constructed family trees for others who are curious about their past.
I completed the ten assessed modules of the Pharos Tutors Family History Skills and Strategies Intermediate Distance Learning Course with distinction in August 2021. This Intermediate Certificate consists of modules
Military Ancestors
Employment Records
Poor Law
Wills and Administration
Migration in the British Isles
18th Century Sources
17th Century Sources
Victorian Crime & Punishment, Courts, Police & Prisons
​You can read more at Intermediate Genealogy Certificate | Pharos Tutors
I have passed the Pharos Tutors Family History Skills and Strategies Advanced Distance Learning Course. For the Advanced Course I demonstrated genealogical skills on nine courses, research planning and a research project. The courses consists modules
You can read more at Advanced Genealogy Certificate | Pharos Tutors
I am an Associate of AGRA (Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives.
AGRA promotes professional standards in Genealogy and you can read more about their code of practice at Code Of Practice and Ethics : About : AGRA : Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives
I am a Member of the Wakefield & District Family History Society and the Wakefield Civic Society.

I look forward to helping you.

Tony Smith - AGRA Associate